What is a Purchase Indent? | Purchase Indent Format

Purchase Indent | Purchase Indent Format Purchase Indent presents a formal requisition for the purchase of items/materials needed by an organization. Creating a Purchase Indent & setting up a workflow for its approval are crucial…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

What is Inventory Valuation | Inventory Valuation Methods

What is Inventory Valuation | Inventory Valuation Methods Inventory is the most significant asset of every manufacturing company as it directly impacts the Productivity & Profitability of the organization. Every manufacturing company maintains some amount…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

Getting Ready for ERP Implementation

Getting Ready for ERP Implementation By nature, ERP implementation is a very complex process, because, it involves establishing a single system that integrates all the important processes such as planning, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance,…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

ERP Contract: What Points should be covered?

ERP Contract: What Points should be covered? Companies usually decide to implement ERP Software to achieve a transformation in their business, to create a digital backbone, to streamline processes, improve efficiencies, and to scale &…

Categorized as Articles, ERP