How to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP?

How to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP? Before we get into the details of how to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP, let us briefly understand the origin of Lean, principles of Lean, and…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

Strategy for successful ERP implementation

Strategy for successful ERP implementation Before we delve into the Strategy for successful ERP Implementation, let us understand why manufacturing companies need an ERP? What are the goals of an ERP implementation, how to define…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

How to use ERP as change driver in organization?

How to use ERP as change driver in the organization? “Change is the only Constant in Business. Those who are able to adapt will win”  Alfred Herrhausen Changing Business Landscape The business landscape is changing…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

Manufacturing Cost Reduction | Cost Reduction Ideas

Cost Reduction in Manufacturing Industry  “Costs do not exist to be calculated. Costs exist to be reduced” – Taiichi Ohno In this age of aggressive competition, manufacturing companies are struggling to improve their bottom lines.…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

Are you making these information mistakes?

“Do you simply have data about your company or do you have accurate information?” Data is gathered for a purpose, the goal is to turn data into information and provide a basis for taking action.…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

ERP Selection & Implementation Guide

Business has become more competitive and value driven than ever. To improve their deliveries and performance more and more organizations are going digital and adopting ERP. And with the increase in number of ERP implementation,…

Categorized as Articles, ERP

Action Plan for Inventory Optimization

Inventory Optimization has always been challenge for SMEs. The objective of this article is to suggest actionable steps for inventory optimization for SMEs. Steps mentioned in this article are prepared based on data analysed from…